"Wood" and "Woods" are English surnames meaning "dweller in the woods." The name was
especially common in Yorkshire, Cheshire, Derbyshire, Notts, Staffordshire, Leicestershire, Kent, and Sussex.
The spelling of the name stabilized in approximately the 15th century, but the name has been around in one
form or another for much longer. 13th and 14th century records mention "de la Wode," "del Woode,"
"at Wode," and "del Wood." The roots of the name go back even much farther, though. Woden (or
Odin) was the main god of the ancient Britons who lived in England at the time of the Roman conquest prior to
the birth of Jesus. Woden lived in the heavens but was thought to manifiest himself in trees, particularly old,
large oak trees. The ancient Britons painted themselves in blue (wode), the sacred color of Woden and worshipped
at the sacred oak trees in pagan rites of the Druid religion. This info is taken from the Wood Family History,
a book published in 1973 by the American Genealogical Research Institute.